Utility of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy with cryoprobe in DPLD
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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Ashok Arbat, Swapnil Bakamwar, Parimal Deshpande, Vinit Niranjane
Publication Date : 2018/9/15
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Volume: 52
Issue: suppl 62
Pages : 211A
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
Description :
Introduction: Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy(TBLC) is a relatively new procedure for sampling lung parenchyma. Initial cryobiopsy reports suggest this procedure establishes specific DPLD diagnoses in 70–80% of cases. Our study focuses on current cryobiopsy techniques, diagnostic yield and complication rates.
Aim: To study utility and find out diagnostic yield and safety profile of TBLC.
Methods: Total 30 patients with suspected DPLD or with radiological diagnosis suggestive of DPLD were selected to undergo TBLC. Flexible bronchoscopies were performed in all subjects in the endoscopy suite with the use anesthesia protocol with sedation avoiding full paralysis. TBLC from single lower lobe segment targeting areas of abnormality on pre-procedure CT scan under fluoroscopy guidance was taken. Sample obtained were sent for histopstopathlogical examinations.
Results: Histopathological examination of tissue …