
A rare case of an azygos lobe in the right lung of a 45-year-old female

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Authors : Sameer Ashok Arbat, Ashok Pandurang Arbat, Tejveer Singh, Parimal Shriniwas Deshpande
Publication Date :2020/7/1
Journal : Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University
Volume: 15
Issue: 3
Pages : 462
Publisher: Medknow Publications
Description :
A 45-year-old female, who was a known case of bronchial asthma with a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) came to us with chief complaints of cough with expectoration and multiple episodes of blood in sputum. The patient was diagnosed with pulmonary TB and had received empirical AKT without microbiological evidence at other health-care centers. At our hospital, she was found to have right paratracheal opacity on chest X-ray. A computed tomography scan of the chest showed an azygos lobe in the right lung. There was consolidation in the azygos lobe that lead to the symptoms of cough and hemoptysis.


Rare case of bronchoscopic debulking of endobronchial leiomyoma

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Authors: Sameer A Arbat, Ashok P Arbat, Swapnil I Bakamwar, Parimal S Deshpande, Sweta R Chourasia
Publication Date : 2020/7/1
Journal: Indian Journal of Tuberculosis
Volume: 67
Issue: 3
Pages : 414-416
Publisher: Elsevier
Description :
An endobronchial leiomyoma is a rare benign tumour of lung. It occurs from the smooth muscle of tracheobronchial tree or within lung parenchyma. It presents less than 2% of all benign lung tumours. We present a case report of a 39-year-old male, ex-smoker, with no family history of malignancies, presenting with cough and dyspnoea for 7 months with no symptomatic relief. CAT scan thorax showed well-defined oblong soft tissue mass lesion 24.2 mm × 15.4 mm in right major bronchus compromising central lumen. Flexible bronchoscopy revealed an endobronchial mass at right major bronchus. Patient underwent rigid bronchoscopy with endobronchial mass excision with an electrocautery snare and cryoprobe in the same seating. Complete debulking of tumour was achieved and histopathology report was suggestive of leiomyoma. Prompt investigations and intervention can give favourable outcomes in cases of …


Role of radial EBUS cryobiopsy in peripheral pulmonary lesions: a case series

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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Ashok Arbat, Swapnil Bakamwar, Parimal Deshpande
Publication Date : 2020/9/7
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Volume: 56
Issue: suppl 64
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
Description :
Introduction: The diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPLs) may be challenging as they are bronchoscopically invisible.
Aims & Objectives: Radial endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is useful for accessing PPLs, with the help of TBLB and cryoprobe. Although PPLs can also be accessed with the help of transthoracic ultrasound or Computerised Tomography (CT)-guided Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA), there is a significant risk of pneumothorax.
Method: This was a retrospective observational study. Patients with PPL on CT-Thorax were subjected for bronchoscopy. Radial EBUS via flexible bronchochoscope with fluoroscope was used to determine the site and cryobiopsy were taken. Bleeding was controlled by endobronchial balloon placed through a rigid bronchoscope as conduit.
Results: Total 28 patients underwent radial EBUS with fluoroscopy guided cryobiopsy. Histopathological diagnosis was achieved in …


Utility of Bronchoscopy Safety Box-Barrier to COVID-19 Among Healthcare Workers

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Authors: SA Arbat, S Chourasia
Publication date :2021/5
Pages: A1758-A1758
Publisher: American Thoracic Society
Description :


COVID-19 pandemic has infected millions with a high mortality rate worldwide. There is need of protecting healthcare workers (HCWs) from SARS-CoV-2 while treating patients. We designed, developed and analysed effectiveness of a physical barrier called bronchoscopy safety box (BSB) to prevent COVID-19 transmission to HCFs while doing bronchoscopy procedures and endotracheal intubation.


Two prototypes of Bronchoscopy safety box (BSBs) viz., prototype 1 (figure 2a) and prototype 2 (figure 2b), was developed (made up of acrylic and PVC sheets). BSB include the additional presence of the bronchoscopy aperture and an assistant aperture. In prototype 1, each aperture has a PVC valve which opens and closes with entry and exit of the hands while instead of PVC valves, there are gloves attached at the Doctor’s and assistant aperture in Prototype 2 which minimizes risk of aerosol …


EBUS guided trans-bronchial lymph node cryobiopsy (EBUS-TBLNC): A novel technique for lymph node biopsy

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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Ashok Arbat, Parimal Deshpande, Swapnil Bakamwar, Gauri Gadge
Publication Date :2021/9/5
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Volume : 58
Issue: suppl 65
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
Description :
Introduction: Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) is a safe and minimally invasive method for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer and diseases affecting mediastinal LNs.
Aims & Objectives: 
To study the role of EBUS combined with 1.1mm cryoprobe for diagnosis of mediastinal lesions.
3 patients presenting with mediastinal LNs were selected for this study. EBUS Guided Trans-Bronchial Lymph Node Cryobiopsy (EBUS-TBLNC) was performed by passing the 1.1mm ERBE Cryoprobe via the Olympus EBUS scope. The target LN was scanned under real time ultrasound vision and 1.1mm ERBE cryoprobe was inserted into the LN via the needle puncture site. The cryoprobe was activated for 3 seconds and removed enbloc with the EBUS scope. Sample obtained was collected in formalin and sent for histopathology.(Figure 1)
Histopathological diagnosis …


Bronchoscopy safety box and its utility as a barrier to COVID-19

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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Ashok Arbat, Parimal Deshpande, Swapnil Bakamwar, Gauri Gadge
Publication date : 2021/9/5
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Volume : 58
Issue: suppl 65
Pages: 1-6
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
Description :
Introduction: Risk of cross infection due to SARS_CoV-2 is high during aerosol inducing procedures like bronchoscopy and intubation. There is need of protecting healthcare workers (HCWs) from SARS-CoV-2 while treating patients.
Aim: Barrier development to prevent COVID-19 transmission while doing bronchoscopy and endotracheal intubation.
Method and material: Two prototypes of Bronchoscopy safety box (BSB) viz., prototype 1 and prototype 2 (Figure 1), was developed (made up of acrylic and PVC sheets).
Bronchoscopy and intubation was done with BSBs in 20 patients.
We were able to manoeuvre the bronchoscope and navigate up to the right lower lobe bronchus and left lower bronchus without any difficulty. The intubation procedure was performed comfortably with the BSB. 10 bronchoscopy procedures were performed with the Prototype 1 while 6 bronchoscopy procedures and 4 intubation 


Clinical profile of Covid 19 positive patients admitted to a tertiary care hospital

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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Ashok Arbat, Parimal Deshpande, Swapnil Bakamwar, Gauri Ghadge
Publication Date : 2021/9/5
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Volume : 58
Issue: suppl 65
Pages: 1-6
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
Description :
Introduction: Novel corona virus (SARS-COV-2) is highly infectious and has become a global health emergency with high mortality rate. Illness ranges in severity from asymptomatic or mild to severe; a significant proportion of patients with clinically evident infection develop severe disease.
Aim: To study the clinical profile of the first 100 COVID positive patients admitted to our Centre for treatment.
Method: We present analysis of clinical data collected from the first 100 COVID positive patients admitted to our Centre for treatment. An analysis of the demographic factors, clinical characteristics, comorbidities and the outcome was performed.
Result: Total 100 positive patients were included for quantitative analysis. Majority of patients were above 50 years age. The most common symptoms were cough (61%), breathlessness (55%) and fever (40%). Average hospital stay was 8.95 days ranging from minimum 2 to maximum …


Double hitch stitch is a novel technique for fixation of tracheal stent in a case of tracheoesophageal fistula: a case report

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Authors: Sameer A Arbat, Parimal S Deshpande, Sweta R Chourasia
Publication date : 2021/12
Journal : The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology
Volume : 15
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-6
Publisher: SpringerOpen
Description :
Caudal tracheal stent migration can be potentially life threatening by causing distal luminal obstruction. We present a rare double hitch stitch procedure (for prevention of migration of tracheal stent), which is an external fixation technique in a case of tracheoesophageal fistula with tracheal and esophageal self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS). A 50-year-old male patient who presented with cough and dyspnea was a known case of carcinoma of the esophagus with esophageal stent in situ. Computed tomography (CT) scan showed tracheoesophageal fistula with esophageal stent (esophageal SEMS) migrating into the trachea. Tracheal stenting was done with SEMS. Patient was followed up after 1 month with recurrent complaints of cough on deglutition. On follow-up bronchoscopy, migration of stent was observed. A rare procedure of double hitch stitch was performed with fixation of the tracheal stent (tracheal SEMS) using a percutaneous anchoring stitch, embedded in the subcutaneous tissue. Follow-up bronchoscopy after 1 month of the procedure showed no migration of stent. For the treatment of large tracheoesophageal fistula, stenting of both the trachea and the esophagus along with the double hitch stitch proved to be lifesaving. Stent migration prevention using “double hitch-stitch” is simple, safe, and successful, without any complications.


Environmental Exposures and Phenotype of Non-smoking COPD

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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Ashok Arbat, Bharat Agrawal, Parimal Deshpande, Irfan Rahman, Swapnil Bakamwar, Prajakta Borkar
Publication date : 2022/6/24
Publisher: Preprints
Description :
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is strongly associated with tobacco smoking and it is the increasing cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The prevalence of COPD among never smokers varies widely across regions, areas, and nations. COPD in smokers has been extensively explored worldwide, however, COPD in non-smokers is under-explored and there is limited data available on non-smoking COPD. We determined the role of environmental pollution and biomass fuel exposure in COPD patients who were non-smokers. We evaluated the clinical profile of non-smokers with COPD in a retrospective observational study. 180 non-smoker COPD patients were selected from the year 2016-to 2018. We found that many patients with COPD are non-smokers and the incidence is higher among the rural population, suggesting that non-smoking COPD is evolving rapidly due to biomass smoke and other environmental pollutant exposures.


Study of factors affecting mortality in ILD cases over 2 years

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Authors: Sameer Arbat, Amita Athavale, Jairaj Nair, Sneha Tirpude, Anshu Punjabi
Publication Date : 2016/9/1
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Issue : suppl 63
Publisher: European Respiratory Society
Description :
The diffuse parenchymal lung diseases, often collectively referred to as the interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), are a heterogeneous group of disorders that are classified together because of similar clinical, radiographic, physiologic, or pathologic manifestations. We studied the pattern of disease and life expectancy among deaths due to ILD.

A total of 90 patients diagnosed as ILD were admitted at Department of Chest medicine from May 2013 to May 2015. Out of this, total of 22 deaths due to ILD occurred in this period. The clinical profile of these patients, progress of disease, co morbidities, treatment and casue of death was analysed.
The average Age of patients who died was 53.4 years and minimum age was 20 and maximum age was72. Among 22 deaths, 10 were Male and 12 were female. Average number of months between Diagnosis and death were 50 months (4 …