Arbat Safety Box: News Coverage (Images of News Coverage)
- Videos for Arbat Safety Box – | | |
- Arbat Safety Box: Design Elements
Design Elements – |
Key Points –
Can be used for suspected/confirmed infective patients. |
Design –
Can be disinfected with 70% alcohol or bleach. (Use local guidelines) |
- Arbat Safety Box: Expert Comments
Expert Comments by Professor Stefano Gasparini, Ancona, Italy
“The safety box is an interesting proposal to reduce the spreading of the virus in the surrounding environment during bronchoscopy. Operator must wear PPE while performing bronchoscopy in suspected COVID-19 patients. The utility of this box was highly appreciated by Pulmonologists in Italy and we have named it the “Arbat Safety Box.”
Expert Comments by Dr. Ashok Mahashur, Senior Consultant, Hinduja Hospitals, Mumbai
“Excellent and thoughtful invention. Why only on COVID-19 patients, it seems ideal for scoping any patient carrying risk of transmitting infection like MDR-TB. Dr Sameer deserves special appreciation for this innovation. “
Prototype 1 – PVC Sheet Valves for Operator and Assistant Aperture
Prototype 2 – Gloves for Operator and Assistant Aperture |
- Arbat Safety Box: The Journey
Sameer Arbat, young Interventional Pulmonologist from Nagpur is the pioneer of Interventional Pulmonology in Central India. He is the first doctor to have Central India’s only EBUS and Cryotherapy setup. He has received many awards at national conferences and has many national and international publications to his name. He is the youngest International Faculty to teach at WABIP Program. He has performed more than 800 Interventional procedures including Cryotherapy, EBUS, Endobronchial Debulking and Thoracoscopy.
The Bronchoscopy Safety Box was conceptualised and designed in March 2020 by Dr Arbat after he witnessed the bronchoscopy procedure images of doctors from Italy who were getting exposed to COVID-19 cross infection. He designed the first prototype by using existing acrylic sheets and plastic materials available in the hospital as all vendors were shut due to the lockdown.
“There is a lot of cross-infection risk involved in performing bronchoscopy procedures with patients of COVID-19. The idea of the safety box came to my mind after I saw some designs being used for intubation in other countries. I improvised it to act as a multipurpose box for performing bronchoscopy as well as intubation procedures. I believe it should be useful for all doctors all over the world. It is advisable for the doctors and staff to wear proper Personal Protective Equipment for maximum safety” comments Dr Sameer Arbat.
On 2nd April, the Italian Society of Pulmonologists broadcasted Dr Sameer Arbat’s invention at an international webinar. Dr. Stefano Gasparini, one of the pioneers of bronchoscopy in the world and Ex- President of WCBIP, was chairing this broadcast and highlighted the importance of this invention and has named it the “Arbat Safety Box”. He stressed on the need for the doctors to use adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and have a negative pressure system installed in all bronchoscopy suites. The “Arbat Safety Box” has received a special mention in the “Position Paper on Bronchoscopy in COVID-19: Role & Modalities” published internationally by the Italian Thoracic Society & Italian Society of Pulmonologists.
- Arbat Safety Box: Publications (List of Publications with Hyperlink)
- Indian Journal of Respiratory Care –;year=2021;volume=10;issue=1;spage=76;epage=81;aulast=Arbat;type=0
- Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology-;year=2020;volume=22;issue=4;spage=25;epage=28;aulast=Ozturk
- Egyptian Journal of Bronchology
- Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth
- MGM Journal of Medical Sciences
- Libyan International Medical University Journal
- Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Arbat Safety Box: International Recognition
- Presentation at AIPO 2nd April 2020 – The Italian Society of Pulmonologists broadcasted Dr Sameer Arbat’s invention at an international webinar. Dr. Stefano Gasparini, one of the pioneers of bronchoscopy in the world and Ex- President of WCBIP, was chairing this broadcast and highlighted the importance of this invention and has named it the “Arbat Safety Box”. He stressed on the need for the doctors to use adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and have a negative pressure system installed in all bronchoscopy suites.
- 18th April 2020 – The “Arbat Safety Box” received a special mention in the “Position Paper on Bronchoscopy in COVID-19: Role & Modalities” published internationally by the Italian Thoracic Society & Italian Society of Pulmonologists.
Arbat Safety Box: News Coverage
Doctor Safety Assistant
Codename: DOC’S-ARM
Doctor Safety Assistant for Remote Monitoring
Innovation by Dr. Sameer Arbat, MD, FCCP
In the middle of a the COVID-19 Pandemic were facing a severe shortage of resources such as PPE Kits, Respirators and Sanitizers. The country-wide lockdown with a complete shutdown on e-commerce had made it difficult to procure newer medical instruments. Protecting the health-care workers from cross-infection was a big challenge for all of us.
What is Doctor Safety Assistant?
The Doctor Safety Assistant codename “DOC’S-ARM” or “Doctor Safety Assistant for Remote Monitoring” is an audio-visual communication device which can be easily assembled by any doctor. This is a do-it-yourself assembly in which the metal rod in a regular IV stand is replaced with a basic selfie stick, with a smart phone mounted on it. The utility of this Doctor Safety Assistant is to reduce the usage of PPE kits and to reduce the chances of cross-infection to the Health Care Workers who are working in an isolation ward like the ones designated for COVID 19 suspect or confirmed cases. A similar assembly if bought from E-commerce sites or the Factory, can cost you anywhere between 100 to 300 US$.
Doctor Safety Assistant
Innovation by Dr. Sameer Arbat
How to assemble the Doctor Safety Assistant?
To assemble the Doctor Safety Assistant or DOC’S-ARM, you can use any regular IV stand with wheels. Start with removing the metal rod above and fix a selfie stick into it. You can use an adhesive tape too. Just make sure the assembly is firm and does not fall off. Now, mount a smart phone on the selfie stick. Make sure the phone is charged and has an internet connection. Your “Doctor Safety Assistant for Remote Monitoring” is now fully assembled and ready to use.
How to disinfect?
It is advisable to use a dedicated phone and stand for the isolation ward or ICU. The complete assembly can be easily disinfected with wipes that contain 70% isopropyl alcohol. The phone can be charged inside the isolation ward.
Disinfection with 70% Iso-propyl alcohol
The uses of Doctor Safety Assistant are as follows –
- Clinical Assistant: It can be used as an assistant inside the ward thus limiting the number of doctors entering the ward. This helps in cutting down the usage of PPEs and reduce the chances of cross-infection. One doctor can carry the DOC’S-ARM with her/him while the remaining team can sit in another cabin and participate in the in-patient rounds.
- Boon for Senior Doctors: A lot of physicians are above the age of 60 and are more susceptible to the COVID-19 infection and the World Health Organization has advised them for strict home quarantine. The Doctor Safety Assistant can help in establishing audio-visual communication from inside the ward to a remote location, thus eliminating any risk of cross infection to senior doctors.
- Inter departmental reference: The device is useful for communicating with doctors for inter departmental reference and expert medical advice. This eventually limits the use of PPE without hampering the medical management of the patient.
- Patient communication with relatives: Very often patients in ICUs or isolation wards experience anxiety, depression due to lack of communication. The Doctor Safety Assistant can help in building an audio-visual communication between the patient and their attendants without any risk of cross infection.
The advantages of the Doctor Safety Assistant are –
- It is easy to assemble
- Fairly economical
- Easy to maneuver and carry around with minimal effort
- Reduces the usage of PPEs
- Limits the chances of cross-infection
- Remote monitoring of patients
- Inter-departmental references
- For senior physicians and consultants
- Tele-conferencing
- Patient communication with attendants
COVI-SAT: COVID Van Integrated for Screening & Testing
Idea & Design by Dr. Sameer Arbat, MD, FCCP
- Introduction
COVID-19 is the official name of the Corona Virus Disease 2019. The disease is caused by SARSV-COV2 Corona Virus, a novel virus which has not previously been identified in humans. The outbreak has been declared a global pandemic by World Health Organization. There is currently no treatment for the disease and health system around the world are overwhelmed while pharmaceutical companies and research group are racing to develop an effective vaccine. The total cases as on July 03, 2020 is 11,080,563 infections with 526,250 deaths. Maharashtra has tested 187,000 positive cases and 8000 deaths, which is highest in India.
COVI-SAT is the name given to the invention by Dr. Sameer Arbat, a renowned Pulmonologist from Central India who has previously innovated safety devices for protecting health care workers(HCWs) from COVID-19. The “COVI-SAT” or “COVID-Van Integrated with Screening and Testing” is a mobile van which can reach remote areas for conducting community testing. “Many attempts have been made to create mobile sample collection van but most of them are devoid of safety features which can put the HCWs at risk. I have designed this van with a state of the art safety chamber equipped with positive pressure and HEPA filters along with temperature control. I believe this van will be instrumental in increasing the number of samples collected in the community without putting the HCWs at risk of cross infection” comments Dr. Sameer Arbat.
- State of the Art Safety Chamber
The Safety Chamber is temperature controlled positive pressure box with HEPA filter (0.5 micron) made to protect healthcare professional from getting infected by eliminating contact with the patient while performing real time PCR based assay of oropharyngeal and nasal swab of suspected patient. The positive pressure systems prevent any air from entering inside the chamber thus limiting any chances of virus infection. The chamber is equipped with a sample collection window. The window has disposable gloves thus avoiding any contact between the HCWs and suspected person. The window has a tray for testing kit, Ice Box, IR thermometer gun, stethoscope, hand sanitizer and disposal baskets. The chamber is equipped with a public announcement system and printed information for public education and awareness of safety norms. The HCW inside has access to an electronic tablet for entering details of suspected person.
- Key Features
- The Chamber proposed is Ultra-modern state of art, air tight, temperature controlled, positive pressure with HEPA filters.
- Integrated features of screening of patient and sample collection & storage.
- Contactless use of infrared thermometer gun and stethoscope.
- There will be air handling system with pump and water tank, evaporating cool cell and controlled panel manually operated.
- Advantages
- Currently all patients with initial screening and having symptoms are brought to ICMR approved hospitals to carry out real time PCR based assays test.
- There are huge difficulties in arranging transport which exposes workers and other patients. After the sampling patient is kept in isolation ward duly quarantine for results to come.
- Hence if patients are screened and sample are collected and sent to hospital at hotspots of pre-identified area will save time and efforts.
- Pressure of testing Possibility of contamination at hospital will reduce.
- Transportation for large number of patients will reduce.
- Many suspected patients are fearing to go to hospital for sample giving. Hence with mobile van more suspect patient will come forward, voluntarily and get tested.
- Early, safe and timely detection will in the end reduce the mortality rate and save life of innocent people.
- Safety Compliances
- Indian Council of Medical Research Department of health research has issued advisory for sample collection at site which needs to be compiled.
- The sample collection should be done using the recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- The site should be disinfected regularly as per recommended procedure.
- All recommendation of biosafety and biosecurity precautions should be implemented.
- Sample transport to nearest COVID-19 testing laboratory should be ensured under proper cold chain conditions and with triple layer packing.
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Project for NMC
Project for NMC